6 High school girls from Girl Scouts of Northern California were chosen to attend the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour. Each of these girls has a special interest in science and technology. Follow the girls as they spend 8 days exploring Florida's Space Coast.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Trip

Late last year the W Foundation approached Girl Scouts of Northern California with an offer to help arrange a trip for girls to see the launch of the shuttle Endeavour at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The W Foundation has worked with NASA to offer this opportunity to kids throughout the past several years. Through the hard work of Mark Annis with the W Foundation, Wendy Holforty with NASA, and Heather Vilhauer with Girl Scouts the trip was planned and six girls from throughout Girl Scouts of Northern California were selected to attend. The girls attended two pre-launch meetings before the trip began to get to know each other, to learn more about NASA, and to plan the logistics of the trip. After the trip the girls will be preparing a video about the launch to show to Girl Scout groups about their experience.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like awesome fun and adventure. Wish I could be there with you. Have a great time!!!
